About Us
Our mission is to raise awareness and educate people about the far reaching negative effects of litter and trash on our environment.
In the last 16 years, over 7800 volunteers from all segments of the community have participated in neighborhood cleanups. These dedicated volunteers performed close to 26,000 hours of community service and cleaned over 87 tons of trash from many miles of New Bedford neighborhood streets.
Based on information provided by Independent Sector, we estimate the value of volunteer service that Operation Clean Sweep has provided to New Bedford is over $985,000. Generous donors of In-Kind goods and services total many thousands of dollars as well. The United Way’s Community Building Mini-Grant Program and monetary contributions have helped us to purchase the tools and supplies necessary for education, advocacy and organized cleanups.
Operation Clean Sweep, an all volunteer, anti-litter campaign was founded in early 2006 by Lynn Coish and former New Bedford native Jerry Pinto, as a result of citizen concern for the amount of trash and litter throughout New Bedford. Rather than ask the Mayor to solve the problem, concerned citizens offered solutions. Realizing the value of citizen participation, Lynn and Jerry swiftly introduced the people who now, in part, form the committee of Operation Clean Sweep.
Our vision is for a clean and healthy environment for the community, now and for generations to come.
Team Members
Russ Wotton
Co-Team Leader overseeing Operations of Operation Clean Sweep
Russ has been involved with OCS since 2007 and started out by volunteering to clean up litter on city streets. Russ was approached by Lynn Coish to be an active team member of OCS, specifically handling the Logistics of each cleanup. Despite being directionally challenged, Russ gladly accepted and has been active with the OCS team ever since. According to Russ “Being involved with OCS and making the city a greener and cleaner place to live has been a very rewarding experience”
Lynn Amicucci
Lynn Amicucci has been part of Operation Clean Sweep since 2019. Lynn recognizes the importance of environmental awareness and the progress OCS has made in the region. She chose to step up and help co-lead in 2021 to continue the success of Operation Clean Sweep.
Marissa Perez-Dormitzer
Co-Team Coordinator – Education & Advocacy Team
Marissa has been involved in OCS since 2006 and co-leads the education group. She has done presentations to a variety of audiences including New Bedford elementary and middle school students. She also helps to get the word out through press releases, radio interviews, PSA’s, Facebook Lives, and on social media. In her day job as Waste Reduction Manager for the Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District, she makes sure to incorporate the anti-litter message in her outreach efforts. Marissa can be reached at Marissa@gnbrrmdistrict.org.
Mary Lou Frey-Nicholson
Mary Lou Frey-Nicholson started volunteering with Operation Clean Sweep in2011 and is currently a member of the education group. She founded Be the Solution to Pollution in 2011 and through that group she leads shoreline cleanups on the south coast and hosts educational events about plastic pollution. Mary Lou has been a local leader of the Climate Reality Project since July 2020. She has an undergraduate degree in early childhood education from Bridgewater State College. Mary Lou can be contacted at bethesolutiontopollution@gmail.com or 508-496-0708.
Lorene Sweeney
Lorene Sweeney has been a member of Operation Clean Sweep for about 10 years. Lorene has functioned as the treasurer for at least the last five years. In addition to working with OCS, Lorene also volunteers with Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust and Buzzards Bay Coalition, removing invasive species of plants and trash, along with other trail maintenance work. In 2015, she helped design and present an after-school program on trash and recycling to students at the Alma Del Mar school in New Bedford.
Thank You to Like Minded Organizations:
Be The Solution to Pollution
New Bedford Science Cafe
UMass Dartmouth Leduc Center for Civic Engagement
The Climate Reality Project
Sustainable Southcoast
Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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Have you considered sponsoring Operation Clean Sweep Volunteer Tee Shirts? It’s an easy way to show the community that you care. The cost is just $250 to support this community effort.
Operation Clean Sweep
Our mission is to raise awareness and educate people about the far reaching negative effects of litter and trash on our environment.